Bryan Nash Gill

"Art is (or should be) an authentic experience, which brings you closer to understanding yourself in relation to your surroundings." - Bryan

What is the soul of a tree? The question is subjective, the answer in the eye of the beholder. From the tree’s perspective, it might be the sum of the seasons of its life. The droughts suffered, the sunshine savored. But the tree cannot bear witness to its own greatness. It cannot see its own deep roots, or the influence of its own spreading branches. It is up to the observer to give meaning to the tree’s existence.

Bryan’s art captured the very essence of a tree; the uniqueness it brought into the world. His prints reveal the happy springs, the hard winters, the constancy of change. And through his art, we can start to give meaning to Bryan’s experiences. His art can help us begin to capture his essence and define the uniqueness he brought into this world.